30 Work From Home Tips to Thrive as a Remote Worker

30 Work From Home Tips to Thrive as a Remote WorkerWhether you work full-time or part-time, working from home can be a great experience. Remote work offers increased flexibility in terms of working hours and scheduling. It can also help you save money by eliminating a commute. However, staying focused can be challenging if you're new to remote work. Here is a list of productivity tips for working from home.


1. Stick to a morning routine

Having a consistent morning routine signals to your body that it’s almost time to start working. For a successful work day, you should do all the same things that you would do if you were going into the office, such as setting your alarm, making your bed, and having your morning coffee. You can enjoy a normal morning or do a few chores around the house to start off your day productively. Keeping your morning ritual, even when working from home, can help you stay focused and mentally sharp.


2. Get dressed for the day

Although working in pajamas or sweatpants can be extremely comfortable, changing into work clothes signals to your brain that it's time to switch into work mode. Your brain will know that you’re dressed up for a purpose, and you’ll likely be more productive. Plus, dressing up, like you would when going to the office, enhances your mood and helps you feel more put together, increasing your confidence.


3. Have a dedicated workspace

When working from home, you might be tempted to work from your bed or favorite recliner. While these places may be comfortable, they won’t help your productivity. You don't necessarily need a whole room dedicated to a home office, but setting up a dedicated workspace is important. Prepare your workspace with a desk or table, computer, comfortable chair, and your necessary supplies. Wherever you choose to work, be mindful of your surroundings, as you never know when you might have a spontaneous video call. 


4. Plan your to-do list the day before

When you first wake up and stare at your screen, it can be difficult to think of what tasks you need to accomplish. Spending time pondering your daily agenda might eat into the time you have to actually complete those tasks. Instead, you should make your to-do list the day before so you have a clear plan of what you need to accomplish. Obviously, your agenda might change if something urgent comes up. However, having a general outline can be helpful.


5. Maintain regular hours

When you have the freedom to work from your house, it can be tempting to sleep in or work longer hours because you’re able to. Instead, you should try to maintain a regular work schedule. Keeping the same hours helps your body get into a routine. It also ensures your coworkers, clients, or customers know when you’re available. Overall, setting a consistent work time can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.


6. Get started early

When you work in a traditional office setting, you're likely required to start your shift in the morning. You could be tempted to stay in bed longer when you work from home, but you should start your workday when you get up to work more productively.  Starting work upon waking up can boost motivation throughout the day. With a shorter morning commute from your pillow to your desk, it's crucial not to let your morning tiredness diminish your drive.


7. Set ground rules for others in your space

Even from your dedicated office space, you might hear roommates or family members milling about your home as you work. While some disturbances may be unavoidable, you can do your best to minimize them. Setting clear boundaries and communicating what is acceptable during work hours can help you stay focused. A little compromise can go a long way in fostering a supportive and respectful living environment.


8. Schedule your breaks

When your office is a few steps away from your kitchen or bedroom, it can be easy to shortchange yourself on your breaks. Although it seems backwards, taking breaks can actually boost your productivity. Make sure to take breaks in their entirety. If you have trouble holding yourself accountable after taking breaks, try the pomodoro technique. You set a timer for 25 minutes and work diligently until the timer is up. Once the timer goes off, you take a 5-minute break and repeat the process. 


9. Make after work plans

Working from home often means spending most of the day indoors. While staying at home has its comforts, it's important to get out of the house and engage in social interactions. Making plans after work will also help support your mental health. Scheduling something enjoyable after work, like going on a budget-friendly date, taking a walk with a friend, or signing up for a workout class, can help ensure that you sign off on time and maintain a good work-life balance. 


10. Build relationships with coworkers

Even with a work-from-home job, you can still find ways to connect with your coworkers or your manager throughout the day. You can interact with your colleagues over various communication platforms. Having conversations with your coworkers and supervisors stimulates your brain and provides a sense of normalcy to your day. Building relationships across distances and various time zones may be challenging. Yet, you can engage in team-building activities, such as a virtual book club, to strengthen your connections.


work from home tips supporting image 11. Use technology to stay connected

Working remotely can sometimes make you feel isolated, but modern technology has made it easier to stay connected and collaborate effectively. Instant messaging and video conference tools can make it easy to check in with your coworkers and be reminded of how your work contributes to the bigger picture. Don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or team members if you have any questions or need support. In today's digital era, distance should not be a barrier to effective teamwork and communication. 


12. Enjoy healthy snacks

Enjoying lunch and snacks at home is a great perk of being a remote employee. However, with your snack cabinet just steps away, it can be tempting to opt for unhealthy choices. Instead of reaching for junk food, try to snack on healthier foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, or yogurt. Be mindful of the snacks you are eating. If it’s necessary, you can pre-portion snacks to hold yourself accountable in between meals. 


13. Exercise regularly

Because you’re sedentary for most of the day, it’s important to exercise to keep your body healthy and happy. This can boost your mood and productivity levels. After you get off, take a walk outside to get some fresh air while stretching your legs. By incorporating regular exercise into your routine, you not only improve your physical health but also enhance your mental well-being.


14. Take sick days

If you find yourself working from home, you might be tempted to push through sickness without taking time off. Plus, your poor health may be all you can focus on, leading you to feel unproductive and even worse. You shouldn’t misuse your sick leave, but if you're genuinely unwell, forcing yourself to work in front of a screen won't help you recover. It's better to rest, take the proper medication, and engage in activities that promote your well-being. Remember, even when working from home, it's important to prioritize your health.


15. Look for training and development opportunities

Continuing to invest in your professional development is crucial, especially when working remotely. By seeking out opportunities for conferences or online training, you can stay up-to-date with industry trends and enhance your skills. Don't hesitate to discuss with your manager the possibility of attending such events or enrolling in relevant courses. Remember, continuous learning is key to not only keeping pace with your peers but also advancing your career. Embrace the chance to expand your knowledge and capabilities, even when working from home.


16. Keep your tone positive

Communication can sometimes be tricky, especially in virtual settings where tone can be easily misinterpreted. Without hearing a person’s voice and seeing their body language, it may be hard to decipher a message containing humor or sarcasm. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, try to keep your message as clear and positive as possible. Consider adding emojis to help convey the intended tone of your message and ensure that your meaning is accurately received by the recipient.


17. Ask for what you need

To create a workspace that enhances your productivity, make sure to request the necessary tools. A good monitor, ergonomic keyboard, comfortable mouse, supportive chair, suitable desk, dependable printer, and essential software can greatly improve your daily work experience. Keep in mind that some companies provide a budget for home office equipment, so it doesn’t hurt to ask for what you need. By organizing a practical home office area, you can work effectively and comfortably from home.


18. Make it harder to use social media

Social media is designed for us to open and browse quickly. When you’re working remotely, the convenience of social media can negatively impact your productivity. During work hours, you should consider removing social media shortcuts from your browser. You could also log out of your accounts on your phone or computer. At the very least, turn your social media notifications off during the hours you’re working from home. By making it hard to use social media, you’re making it easier to stay productive and get things done.


19. Practice your communication skills

If there is a change in your schedule or any unexpected event, keep your team informed. Regularly update them on your schedule and availability. After you finish a project or important task, let everyone involved know. You don’t have to write an essay to explain your every move, but make sure that everyone is informed and on the same page. Open communication with colleagues and supervisors helps build trust within the team.


work from home tips supporting image (1)20. Work outside your home

Certain work-from-home positions allow you to work from anywhere. If you’re choosing a work environment outside of your home, it’s important to find a place that motivates you and helps you stay focused. Coffee shops can provide a cozy atmosphere with background noise that some find inspiring. Alternatively, libraries offer a quiet environment with few interruptions, which is perfect for deep concentration. Remember to bring everything you need, like headphones or a laptop charger, to ensure you have a successful work session.


21. Work when you’re most productive

There are going to be times in the day when your energy levels are lower than others (looking at you, post-lunch hour). Nobody works at the same level of effectiveness throughout the day, as your motivation will naturally ebb and flow. However, when you’re working from home, it’s important to figure out when these ebbs and flows take place and work around it. Save your more challenging tasks for when you’ll be in the right headspace for them. Use slower points in the day to knock out any simple, monotonous tasks.


22. Make sure your workspace is well-lit

A well-lit workspace can reduce eye strain and enhance alertness. If you can access natural light through a window, it can improve your mood and sleep patterns. In the absence of natural light, opt for lighting fixtures to brighten your workspace. Using LED lights that imitate natural daylight can create a pleasant and productive setting. Remember to take breaks and glance away from your screen to rest your eyes. By ensuring a well-lit space, you work productivity while prioritizing your eyes.


23. Match your music to the task at hand

Listening to music has the potential to boost your mood and productivity, while drowning out distractions. To use the benefits of music, try selecting playlists or genres that align with the energy of the task you’re working on. If lyrics become too distracting, instrumental music can help you maintain focus and boost your concentration levels. Music has the power to elevate your work-from-home experience.


24. Have a good internet connection

Having a reliable internet connection is a must in today's society. Slow routers and poor internet connections can be frustrating and hinder productivity. By prioritizing a good WiFi connection, you can optimize your productivity and efficiency in your online tasks. Additionally, consider using a VPN, especially when connected to public networks, to enhance security and protect your data. 


25. Maintain a solid sleep schedule

Sleep plays an important role in your overall well-being and directly influences your productivity while working from home. When you postpone your bedtime to indulge in favorite shows or go out during the week, it can disrupt your circadian rhythm. This disruption leads to fluctuating energy levels and fatigue during the workday. Ultimately, you should aim for a healthy amount of quality sleep each night and maintain a consistent bedtime routine.


26. Set attainable goals

Without in-person accountability, self-discipline is key when it comes to achieving your goals. By using a planner and calendar, you can stay organized and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals each day. Setting deadlines in advance can help you stay focused and motivated as a remote worker. Additionally, setting challenging yet achievable goals will push you to achieve more than you may have thought possible. 


27. Limit distractions

When your professional life and personal life mix at home, outside distractions are almost inevitable during working hours. You can drown out distractions by wearing noise-canceling headphones to block out distracting sounds. Place your phone on silent or put it out of sight and reach. By eliminating distractions, you can increase your focus and productivity. 


28. Tackle high priority tasks in the morning

When a work task seems insurmountable, you may push it off until the last possible minute. As the day goes on, there might even be more distractions as other notifications or tasks start to come in. Instead of procrastinating your tasks, it’s best to tackle your biggest or most important work assignments in the morning. By doing so, you’ll feel more accomplished and less stressed throughout the day, as you move onto less demanding or time-sensitive tasks. 


29. Reward yourself

It's important to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be. Taking the time to acknowledge your hard work and dedication can help boost your morale and keep you feeling positive and motivated. By incorporating little rewards like a snack break or social media break into your routine, you're creating a healthy balance between work and relaxation.


30. Make the most of your opportunity

Remote work offers a fantastic opportunity for many, offering flexibility and a comfortable work setting. If you have this opportunity, it's essential to maximize it. You could fit in household tasks during breaks, adjust your work hours to accommodate school drop-offs, or indulge in baking with the extra time that you would otherwise spend commuting. Discovering moments of happiness in your day and utilizing them can make working from home an even better experience.



Now that you’ve learned the ways to work from home productively, we hope you’re ready to thrive as a remote worker. Working from the comfort of your home comes with several benefits, but it's important to hold yourself accountable as well. By staying organized and disciplined, you can make the most of your work-from-home experience.




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